Borderlands: Game of the Year SHiFT codes

Have you played the original Borderlands yet? No shame if you haven't, this site is all about those things you may have wanted to check out, but never got around to. But it's a great game. The "original looter shooter" has launched three sequels (four if you count the also excellent episodic Tales from the Borderlands from Telltale games) for a reason. It's one of the few game series where I have made it a point of picking up each new installment as soon as they come out - or as soon as fiscally possible. I'm a journalist after all, I'm not made of money.
You can pick up the Game of the Year edition, which includes the base game and all DLC, for under $30 on the PlayStation, Steam, and Xbox stores - and may even be able to find a physical copy for cheaper if you look around. Right now you can also get five Gold Keys (codes good through 5/12/2020) when you enter the above SHiFT codes on the Borderlands website or through the game interface. These Gold Keys unlock a chest with random legendary gear, to really trick out your character and get them going in style. Or, you may want to hold onto them, until you've hit a higher level, and get some gear that will make your end-game runs smooth as a bandit's bottom.
Just link your Steam, PlayStation or Xbox profile with a Borderlands account at now, if you don't think you'll get a copy until after May 12, and they'll be waiting on you when you do. Or enter the codes through the in-game menu after you pick up a copy if you plan on doing it right away.
And Borderlands veterans, you should go ahead and use these codes too. You never know when you may want to go back and experience the game as Brick, Mordecai, Lilith, or Roland, and you already know you're going to covet all that sweet legendary gear your newbie friends have when you decide to join in the original fun. 


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