Invasion on Chestnut Ridge: Small Town Monsters highlight oddities in feature
(Originally published in edited form in October, 2017 in the Ashland Daily Independent)
On the evening of December 9,
1965 witnesses across the Midwest – from Windsor, Ontario to
Kecksburg, Pennsylvania – reported spotting a bright reddish orange
orb zoom through the night sky. Kecksburg, a small town along
Chestnut Ridge in the Appalachian Mountains, was where it finally
came to rest, crashing along the area now known as Meteor Road.

A meteor is all it was, if you believe
the official reports. But the people of Kecksburg say it was
something entirely different. If reports from the small community are
to be believed, it was the sight of Appalachia's own Roswell-type
event, complete with the crash of an acorn-shaped unidentified flying
object and a military response and cover-up.
If the events of December 1965 were the
only odd thing to happen on Chestnut Ridge, it would still be an
interesting story. But according to the folks who live there, the
area of Chestnut Ridge, which stretches across Pennsylvania and into
neighboring West Virginia, has long been home to a wide variety of
strange and unexplainable events. Folks who study such strange
phenomenon would call it a “window area” – a place where the
oddities of other worlds peek through into our own. Oddities that
strain the credulity of even the most ardent “believers.” But
whether you believe them, or not, the stories keep coming. Tales of
Bigfoot, strange subterranean sounds, big birds, black panthers,
werewolf-like dogmen, winged humanoids, will o' the wisps, and even a
These are the stories that Seth
Breedlove and the crew at Small Town Monsters explore in their fifth
feature, Invasion on Chestnut Ridge. Releasing hot on the heels of
the studio's other celebration of high-strangeness, The Mothman of Point
Pleasant, their new film celebrates the direct-to-video, B-movie,
horror aesthetic while still taking a comprehensive look at the
history of odd occurrences in the region.
“It was about two months of figuring
out how I was going to tie it all together,” Breedlove said of the
broad variety of reports.
Even with the variety of reports, he explained, he and his crew still “barely scratched the surface of the reports.”
“Seriously,” he said, “at one point I found myself erasing a section of the narration that was about reported sightings of giant, translucent caterpillars. I thought that was pushing what a general audience could handle.”
Even with the variety of reports, he explained, he and his crew still “barely scratched the surface of the reports.”
“Seriously,” he said, “at one point I found myself erasing a section of the narration that was about reported sightings of giant, translucent caterpillars. I thought that was pushing what a general audience could handle.”
Not only were some of the stories he
heard completely fantastical, he explained, but if he were to include
every story he heard, the film could have become bloated.
“I just never know how long I can safely make these movies with people (losing interest.) I try to do what's right for the story, but I also try to be mindful of what non-crypto people are willing to sit through.”
“I just never know how long I can safely make these movies with people (losing interest.) I try to do what's right for the story, but I also try to be mindful of what non-crypto people are willing to sit through.”
Invasion of Chestnut Ridge is an
undeniable treat for those with an interest in the Fortean,
paranormal, or cryptozoological, but it's also designed to appeal to
those who just want a good real-world story to get them in the mood
for Halloween – the folks who might not be students of the strange
and esoteric, but still have an interest in visiting haunted train
tunnels or spooky covered bridges.
The B-movie effect helps cultivate that
feeling of being alone on a stretch of remote, dark road and
wondering what creepy things could be just around the next curve.
Scary, but also fun. Especially considering the oddity of some of the
stories featured, like a 1973 report of Bigfoot type creatures seen
alongside a UFO.
“I wanted it to be a little kitschy,
but not cheesy,” Breedlove said. “Like, not being disrespectful
to the witnesses, but still having some fun with the reports.”
The camera work and pacing achieve that balance nicely, with some of the quick cuts adding to the sense of anxiety.
“Our approach to this one was pretty much the opposite of Mothman (of Point Pleasant),” Breedlove explained. “That was really locked down, and long shots. I think the average cut on that was four to five seconds. This was one and a half to two (seconds.)”
The camera work and pacing achieve that balance nicely, with some of the quick cuts adding to the sense of anxiety.
“Our approach to this one was pretty much the opposite of Mothman (of Point Pleasant),” Breedlove explained. “That was really locked down, and long shots. I think the average cut on that was four to five seconds. This was one and a half to two (seconds.)”
Breedlove also said that one of the
things he was trying to achieve was that sense of being both scared
and fascinated by the paranormal as a child.
“Invasion on Chestnut Ridge was,
stylistically, heavily influenced by my fear of Unsolved Mysteries as
a kid,” he said in a Facebook post about the film, explaining how
it differs from the approach he plans for his next film, on West
Virginia's famous Flatwoods Monster, which he expects to borrow
heavily from the alien invasion movies of the 1950s and 60s.
If you've watched the other films in
Small Town Monsters catalog, you know that the camera work and
editing have gotten progressively better, while the stories have
remained tight and engaging. Invasion on Chestnut Ridge is no
different. The film, which releases on DVD and streaming services
October 20, is the perfect accompaniment to the Halloween season, and
a must watch for anyone with an interest in the strange and
unexplained, or those who just enjoy a good creepy story.
This Halloween, as you're trying to decide what to do, let me suggest getting together a group of friends, popping up some popcorn, and sitting down to a screening of Invasion on Chestnut Ridge. Then, load up in your car, find a dark stretch of rural road, and go for a drive. But keep your eyes peeled. You never know what you might see around that next bend.
For more information on this, and Breedlove's other films, check out Small Town Monsters online at or on Facebook
atThis Halloween, as you're trying to decide what to do, let me suggest getting together a group of friends, popping up some popcorn, and sitting down to a screening of Invasion on Chestnut Ridge. Then, load up in your car, find a dark stretch of rural road, and go for a drive. But keep your eyes peeled. You never know what you might see around that next bend.
For more information on this, and Breedlove's other films, check out Small Town Monsters online at or on Facebook
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