Freebie Friday; Borderlands, the Handsome Collection and more

Borderlands, the Handsome Collection If you haven't played any of the Borderlands games yet, and you have a PC, you should check out Epic's current free game, Borderlands, the Handsome Collection . The collection collects Borderlands 2 , Borderlands the PreSequel (which includes events that presage the story in Borderlands 2 , but came out between Borderlands 2 and 3 ), and all DLC content. Yes, it's the second installment in the saga of dystopian irreverence and ribaldry that is the Borderlands series, but it's a good jumping on point. The first two Borderlands games are among the few that I've played all the way through, and - with two and three - among the even more rare game that I buy as close to launch as possible. The series has been praised as the first of the first-person looter-shooters, combining the appeal of Halo and Gears of War with the unique loot options and gear mining of Diablo and MMORPGs, it's not hyperbolic to say Borderlands l...